60 mins performance
Robotic, Dream, Sleep, Surveillance Technology, Robot care taker
curated by Florence Lam at per.platform festival
Taikwun Museum, Hongkong
Sleep, a universal human experience, holds a remarkable duality, being both deeply personal and yet universally relatable. It is a sacred time for our bodies and minds to rest, rejuvenate, and repair, playing a vital role in our physical and mental well-being. In the relentless and often alienating world of late capitalism and the 24-hour convenience society, we find ourselves bombarded with an incessant influx of stimuli and demands. As individuals, we are interconnected within a larger collective, an intricate ecosystem that binds us together. It is within this context that we bear witness to the unravelling fabric of our environment, the deteriorating climate, and the ever-shifting landscapes around us. The Incubus Robot, an awe-inspiring manifestation of a new breed of non-human entities, emerges as both a messenger and a harbinger, carrying profound messages and warnings about the impending future. With their ethereal presence, they navigate effortlessly above the slumbering bodies, gently imparting tales of cybernetic hibernation to the sleepers, immersing them in a world of surreal wonders and thought-provoking narratives
This groundbreaking project draws inspiration from the rich literary tapestries woven by Franz Kafkain “The Hunter Gracchus”, the conceptual brilliance of Joseph Beuys’s “How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare”, and the captivating insights of Apinan Poshyananda’s “How to Explain/Art to a Bangkok Cock”. By amalgamating these influences, we embark on a prismatic journey, exploring the interplay between sleep, late capitalism, climate-change ecology, and the enigmatic realm of the non-human.
睡眠是人類的一種普遍經驗,具有非凡的雙重性,既是個人的深層體驗,又是普遍可觸及的。睡眠是我們身心休息、恢復活力和修復的神聖時刻,對我們的身體和心理健康起著重要的作用。在資本主義和 24小時便利社會的無情和經常疏離的世界中,我們發現自己被不斷湧入的刺激和需求轟炸著。身為個人,我們在一個更大的集體中互相連結,這個複雜的生態系統將我們連結在一起。正是在這樣的背景下,我們見證了環境結構的瓦解、氣候的惡化,以及周遭不斷變遷的景觀。IncubusRobot 是一種令人敬畏的新型非人類實體,他們既是信使也是預言者,傳達著關於即將來臨的深刻訊息和警告。他們以空靈的姿態在沉睡的屍體上方輕鬆穿梭,溫柔地向沉睡者傳授機械冬眠的故事,讓他們沉浸在超現實奇觀和發人深省的敘事世界中。這項突破性的計畫,靈感來自卡夫卡 (Franz Kafka) 在《獵人格拉庫斯》(The Hunter Gracchus)中編織的豐富文學纖錦、約瑟夫//波伊斯(Joseph Beuys)《如何向死兔解釋圖畫》 (How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare) 的概念光輝,以及阿平• 波賢達(Apinan Poshyananda) 《如何向曼谷公雞解釋藝術》 (How to Explain Art to a Bangkok Cock)的迷人洞察力透過結合這些影響,我們展開一揚多稜鏡之旅,探索睡眠、晚期資本主義、氣候變遷生態以及神秘的非人類領域之間的相互作用。

What make a sleeper?

How to remember the dream?

How to give us comfort?

Incubating Dream and sleep monitor from the Robot Cock.

Should we afraid of AGI?

How to Dream with the Dream Machine?